
Publications (48)

Strong phylogenetic signals in global plant bioclimatic envelopes

Harris, C, Brummitt, N., Cobbold, C.A. and Reeve, R.(2022). Strong phylogenetic signals in global plant bioclimatic envelopesGlobal Ecology and Biogeography 31, 2191-2203. Eds. Gregory Jordan. Wiley.

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Violet Rosina Cane, 1916-2008

Lorenzo-Arribas, A., Gandy, R., Thomas, E. and Startup, R.(2022). Violet Rosina Cane, 1916-2008Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A. Wiley.

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Users' Experiences With the NoHoW Web-Based Toolkit With Weight and Activity Tracking in Weight Loss Maintenance: Long-term Randomized Controlled Trial

Mattila, E., Hansen, S., Bundgaard, L., Ramsay, L., Dunning, A., Silva, MN., Harjumaa, M., Ermes, M., Marques, MM., Matos, M., Larsen, S., Encantado, JE., Santos, I., Horgan, G.W., O'Driscoll, R., Turicchi, J., Duarte, C., Palmeira, AL., Stubbs, J., Heitmann, BL. and Lähteenmäki, L.(2022). Users' Experiences With the NoHoW Web-Based Toolkit With Weight and Activity Tracking in Weight Loss Maintenance: Long-term Randomized Controlled TrialJournal of Medical Internet Research 24(1), e29302.

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Potential climate-driven changes to seabird demography: implications for assessments of marine renewable energy development

Searle, K.R., Butler, A., Waggitt, J.J., Evans, P.G.H., Quinn, L.R., Bogdanova, M., Evans, T., Braithwaite, J. and Daunt, F.(2022). Potential climate-driven changes to seabird demography: implications for assessments of marine renewable energy developmentMarine Ecology Progress Series, 185-200. Inter-Research Science Centre.

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A new integrated assessment framework for climate-smart nutrition security in sub-Saharan Africa: the integrated Future Estimator for Emissions and Diets (iFEED)

Jennings, S.A., Challinor, A., Smith, P., Macdiarmid, J., Pope, E., Chapman, S., Bradshaw, C., Clark, H., Vetter, S., Fitton, N., King, R., Mwamakamba, S., Madzivhandila, T., Mashingaidze, I., Chomba, C., Nawiko, M., Nhyodo, B., Mazibuko, N., Yeki, P., Kuwali, P., Kambwiri, A., Kazi, V., Kiama, A., Songole, A., Coskeran, H., Quinn, C., Sallu, S., Dougill, A., Whitfield, S., Kunin, B., Meebelo, N., Jamali, A., Kantande, D., Makundi, P., Mbungu, W., Kayula, F., Walker, S., Zimba, S., Yamdeu, J.H.G., Kapulu, N., Galdos, M.V., Eze, S., Tripathi, H., Sait, S.M., Kepinski, S., Likoya, E., Greathead, H., Smith, H.E., Mahop, M.T., Harwatt, H., Muzammil, M., Horgan, G.W. and Benton, T.(2022). A new integrated assessment framework for climate-smart nutrition security in sub-Saharan Africa: the integrated Future Estimator for Emissions and Diets (iFEED)Frontiers In Sustainable Food Systems 6, 868189.

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