Consultancy & Collaboration
Please contact appropriate BioSS staff by email (see below) with a brief explanation of your requirements including funding. They will either deal with the query themselves or they may pass you to another member of BioSS staff with availability and the quantitative skills required or familiarity with your application area.
For exclusively RESAS Strategic Research Programme work there is no charge at the point of contact. For other work we need to be costed explicitly, but please do contact us for initial discussions about your interests. There is no charge for this.
BioSS staff may arrange to meet with you at your location or elsewhere, or we may arrange a video conference meeting depending on availability, time scales and your location.
Scheduled Visits to SRUC Locations
Sarah Brocklehurst SRUC Bush Roslin Institute Building Wednesday pm: 14th August.
Sarah Brocklehurst visits SRUC Kings Buildings and Bush Roslin Institute Building frequently and other sites by appointment.
Several BioSS staff are based at BioSS at King's Buildings.
Please contact appropriate BioSS staff (see below) to arrange meetings or visits to your site.
BioSS provide a range of training courses some of which are online and some face to face at SRUC or other locations. If there is enough demand we may schedule a course to suit you. For more information on training please see our pages on BioSS training.