

Head of Research
Head of Consultancy


Research Operations Officer
Administrative Officer
Scientific Software Application Analyst/Developer
Senior Statistician Specialising in Applied Spatial Statistics
Application Lead for Animal Sciences
Stakeholder Management and Impact Lead for Offshore Renewables
Mathematical Modeller
Junior Data Scientist
Senior Statistician/Modeller for Ecology and Environment
Ecological Statistician
Statistician Specialising in Human Health and Nutrition Applications
Administrative Assistant
Statistician in Animal Health and Welfare
Senior Research Scientist in One Health
Senior Statistical Scientist
Acting Head of Operations
Statistician for Plant and Crop Sciences (Genetics)
Researcher in Inference and Learning for Complex Stochastic Systems
Application Lead for Human Health and Nutrition
Senior Statistician Specialising in Environment, Food and Agriculture
Senior Research Scientist
Group Lead for Offshore Renewables
Principal Researcher in Process & Systems Modelling
Large Scale and Sectoral Modeller
Socio-Economic Statistician
Senior Bioinformatician for Applied Methodological Research
Socio-Economic Statistician
Principal Researcher in Statistical Genomics and Bioinformatics
Senior Statistician
Research Software Engineer for Open Science Methods and Applications
Statistical Geneticist
Statistical Assistant
Principal Researcher in Statistical Methodology
IT Manager and Programmer
IT Support
Mathematical Epidemiologist
Senior Statistician
Application Lead for Plant and Crop Sciences
Principal Bioinformatician
Lead Statistician for Variety Trials
Senior Statistician for Plant and Crop Science
Principal Statistician for Ecology & Environmental Science
Senior Statistician
Senior Ecological and Environmental Statistician
Statistician/Modeller in Ecology & Environmental Science.


BioSS Associate
BioSS Associate
BioSS Associate
BioSS Associate
BioSS Associate
BioSS Associate
BioSS Associate
BioSS Associate
BioSS Associate
BioSS Associate
BioSS Associate
BioSS Associate
BioSS Associate
BioSS Associate
BioSS Associate
BioSS Associate
BioSS Associate


PhD Student
PhD Student
PhD Student
PhD Student
PhD Student
PhD Student
PhD Student
PhD Student
PhD Student
PhD Student
PhD Student
PhD Student