OSR - Meet the team

Esther Jones

Dr Esther Jones

Esther leads the strategy and development for the Offshore Renewables Group. She leads long-term research projects and focuses on strategic growth and income generation. Her research interests are in the spatial and movement ecology of top marine predators, and how anthropogenic activities such as renewable developments and shipping impact ecosystems. She also works on broader statistical ecology problems such as characterising and reducing uncertainty and spatio-temporal modelling.

Adam Butler

Dr Adam Butler

Adam leads the stakeholder management and impact delivery for the Offshore Renewables Group. He leads the BioSS contribution on offshore renewables projects for a range of stakeholders and funders, including Marine Scotland, ORJIP, OWEC, Natural England, JNCC, RSPB, NatureScot and industry. Adam has a key role in the development of Environmental Impact Assessment tools, which link tools and data in a way that enables uncertainty propagation. His research interests focus on developing statistical methods motivated by applied problems in ecology and environmental science.

Ken Newman

Dr Ken Newman

Ken is the Principal Researcher in Statistical Methodology. For offshore renewables projects, he works on the application of statistical methods for analysis of complex computer simulation models, which include sensitivity and uncertainty analyses, calibration via history matching and emulation. He is also interested in ecological statistics and modelling of animal population dynamics using state space models and Bayesian hierarchical models.


Dr Phil Bouchet

Dr Phil Bouchet

Phil joined BioSS in 2024 as a Senior Statistician specialised in Applied Spatial Statistics and is involved in multiple long-term projects aimed at understanding the potential impacts of offshore wind farm development on seabird distribution, abundance, and behaviour. Phil’s background is in quantitative marine ecology, with years of experience in conducting dedicated research on large vertebrate populations, including cetaceans, sharks, and pelagic fishes. Phil’s main interests lie in developing statistical methods and software to support impact assessments for threatened species exposed to human activities in the marine environment. His work has a strong applied focus and links theory with empirical data to improve on-the-ground management and policy decisions.

Thomas Cornulier

Dr Thomas Cornulier

Thomas joined BioSS in 2022 as a senior ecological and environmental statistician, bringing experience working with birds, mammals, fish and environmental data in the marine and terrestrial environments. He uses spatio-temporal statistical models, to analyse predator and prey distributions at different spatial and temporal scales. He also works on the analysis of animal behaviour using bio-logger data (including GPS and accelerometers) and develops Bayesian models to understand population ecology and dynamics, combining multiple sources of data.

Thomas provided many of the images used in the Offshore Renewables webpages.

Photo of Katherine Whyte

Dr Katherine Whyte

Katherine has been an ecological and environmental statistician at BioSS since 2021, and works on several short-term and long-term research projects in the Offshore Renewables Group. Her research so far has focussed on modelling the effects of human disturbance on marine animals, working at the interface of statistics and ecology to provide robust answers to applied questions. Katherine is experienced in using biologging (animal tracking) data, and her main research interests are in developing models of animal movement and behaviour.


Anatasia Frantsuzova

Dr Anastasia Frantsuzova

Anastasia has been a statistician for ecological and environmental applications at BioSS since 2021, and works in the Offshore Renewables group for a part of her time. So far, her work has focused on effects of offshore renewable developments on seabirds, with a particular interest in statistical emulation and applications of expert elicitation.


Ana Couto

Dr Ana Couto

Ana has been an Ecological Statistician at BioSS since August 2022 and works on several long-term projects in the Offshore Renewables Group, mostly focused on assessing the influence/impact of offshore wind farms on multiple aspects of seabird ecology, such as spatial distribution and demography traits.

Before starting at BioSS, Ana was doing her PhD part-time at the University of Aberdeen focusing on understanding the biotic (e.g. prey) and abiotic drivers (e.g. velocity and turbulence) of seabirds’ usage of tidal areas and assessing the potential ecological impacts of marine renewable energy devices. Ana's main research interests are understanding the drivers of animal behaviour, especially foraging, and how man-made structures influence their behaviour.

Rebecca Akeresola

Rebecca Akeresola

Rebecca is a PhD student based at the University of Edinburgh. Her research develops novel hidden Markov models from a data science perspective to inform seabird conservation. Her PhD supervisors are Prof. Ruth King, Dr Victor Elvira, Dr Gail Robertson, Dr Adam Butler, and Dr Esther Jones.



Eloise Bray image

Eloise Bray

Eloise is a PhD student based at the University of Sheffield. Her research is to develop realistic models of seabird foraging behaviour in the breeding season, using a continuous-time approach. Her PhD supervisors are Prof. Paul Blackwell, University of Sheffield; Dr Alison Poulston, JBA Risk Management; Dr Adam Butler, Dr Esther Jones, BioSS; and Dr Kate Searle, Dr Francis Daunt, UKCEH


Pip Wright photo

Philippa Wright

Philippa is a PhD student based at the University of St Andrews. Her research investigates the relationships between offshore wind farms, marine mammals, and their prey. Her PhD supervisors are Dr Gordon Hastie (St Andrews), Dr Sophie Smout (St Andrews), and Dr Katherine Whyte (BioSS).