
Publications (56)

Association between objectively measured sleep duration, adiposity and weight loss history

Larsen, S., Horgan, G.W., Mikkelsen, M-L., Palmeira, AL., Scott, S., Duarte, C., Santos, I., Encantado, JE., O'Driscoll, R., Turicchi, J., Stubbs, J., Heitmann, BL. and Michalowska, J.(2020). Association between objectively measured sleep duration, adiposity and weight loss historyInternational Journal of Obesity 44(7), 1577-1585.

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Bioprospection of natural sources of polyphenols with therapeutic potential for redox-related diseases

Menezes, R., Foito, A., Jardim, C., Costa, I., Garcia, G., Rosado-Ramos, R., Freitag, S., Alexander, C.J., Outeiro, T.F., Stewart, D. and Santos, CN.(2020). Bioprospection of natural sources of polyphenols with therapeutic potential for redox-related diseasesAntioxidants 9, 789. MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute).

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A tool for prioritising livestock disease threats to Scotland

Bessell, P.R., Auty, H. K., Roberts, H., McKendrick, I.J., Bronsvoort, M. and Boden, L.A.(2020). A tool for prioritising livestock disease threats to ScotlandFrontiers in Veterinary Science 7. Frontiers.

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Pivotal Roles for pH, Lactate, and Lactate-Utilizing Bacteria in the Stability of a Human Colonic Microbial Ecosystem

Wang, SP., Rubio, LA., Duncan, S.H., Donachie, G., Holtrop, G., Lo, G., Farquharson, FM., Wagner, J., Parkhill, J., Louis, P., Walker, AW. and Flint, H.J.(2020). Pivotal Roles for pH, Lactate, and Lactate-Utilizing Bacteria in the Stability of a Human Colonic Microbial EcosystemmSystems 5(5), e00645-20.

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Consistent sleep onset and maintenance of body weight after weight loss: An analysis of data from the NoHoW trial

Larsen, S., Horgan, G.W., Mikkelsen, M-L., Palmeira, AL., Scott, S., Duarte, C., Santos, I., Encantado, JE., O'Driscoll, R., Turicchi, J., Michalowska, J., Stubbs, J. and Heitmann, BL.(2020). Consistent sleep onset and maintenance of body weight after weight loss: An analysis of data from the NoHoW trialPLOS Medicine 44(7), 1577-1585.

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