Consumption of foods with the highest nutritional quality, and the lowest greenhouse gas emissions and price, differs between socio-economic groups in the UK population

Objective: To establish a baseline understanding of whether consuming food items with the highest nutritional quality, lowest greenhouse gas emissions (GHGE) and cost differ between different UK demographic and socioeconomic population groups. Design: Multiple linear regression models were fitted to evaluate the relationship between predictor socio-demographic variables in this study (i.e., sex, ethnic group, age, Body Mass Index [BMI] and level of deprivation) and the response variables (i.e., the proportion of consumption of items considered the most nutritious with a low GHGE and price). Setting: The UK Participants: Adult (18-65 years) participants from the National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS) latest waves 9-11 (2016-2017 and 2018-2019). Results: Based on the total energy consumption in a day, the average diet-based GHGE was significantly higher for participants with a higher BMI. Non-white and most deprived participants spend significantly (p<0.001) less money on total energy consumption. Participants with a BMI between 18.6 and 30 kg/m2, and those living in the least deprived areas, consumed a significantly (p<0.001) higher proportion of those items considered the most nutritious, with the lowest GHGE and lowest cost per 100 kcal. Conclusions: Consumption of food with the highest nutritional quality, lowest GHGE and cost in the UK varies among those with different socio-demographic characteristics, especially the deprivation level of participants. Therefore, dietary guidelines need to consider environmental sustainability and affordability of foods and drinks, in addition to their nutritional quality. In addition, equity regarding how achievable dietary guidelines are needs to consider affordability and accessibility.
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SRP Project, RI-B5-06
Human Health & Nutrition