Motivational and self-efficacy reciprocal effects during a 12 months' weight regain prevention program

Objective Weight regain prevention is a key public health challenge. Digital behavior change interventions provide a scalable platform for applying and testing behavior change theories in this challenging context. The study's goal was to analyze reciprocal effects in needs satisfaction, eating regulation, self-efficacy, and weight during a 12-months period in a large sample of participants engaged in a weight regain prevention trial. Methods The NoHoW study is a three-center, large scale weight regain prevention trial. Adults who lost > 5% of their weight in the past year (N=1627, 68.7% female, 44.10±11.86 years, 84.47±17.03 kg) participated in a 12-months digital behavior change based intervention. Weight and validated measures of basic psychological needs satisfaction, eating regulation, and self-efficacy were collected at baseline, six- and 12-months. Correlational and cross-lagged analysis was used to identify potential reciprocal effects (data from study arms was pooled). Results At baseline, higher scores of needs satisfaction and self-efficacy were associated with weight loss. Baseline weight was linked to all psychosocial variables at six months, and six-months' weight was associated with needs satisfaction and self-efficacy at 12 months. During the 12-months, increases in eating regulation, needs satisfaction, and self-efficacy were associated with weight loss, and reciprocal effects were observed between these last two variables, suggesting the existence of Weight Management Cycles. Conclusions Whilst further testing is needed, during long-term weight regain prevention, boosting weight reductions, needs satisfaction, and self-efficacy may lead to Weight Management Cycles, which, if recurrent, may provide sustained prevention of weight regain.
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