Dr Graham Horgan
Application Lead for Human Health and Nutrition
Biomathematics & Statistics Scotland
Rowett Institute, University of Aberdeen, Foresterhill
ABERDEEN, AB25 2ZD, Scotland, UK.
Tel: +44 (0)1224 438678
Email: graham.horgan@bioss.ac.uk
Research Interests
- Development and application of statistical methods in nutritional science
- Health, sustainability and economic trade-offs in formulating diets
- Statistical methods for high-dimensional data
- Image analysis and spatial processes
- Modelling regulatory process in weight control
- nutritional, human health and animal sciences
- Management of BioSS programme of training courses in statistics, bioinformatics and mathematical modelling
Recent and current projects
- Modelling variation in activity patterns
- Prediction of effects of folate fortification
- Statistical methods in biospeckle imaging
- Construction and comparison of optimal diets
- Comparison of methods of energy expenditure estimation
- Epigenetic data analysis