Staff, Students, and Associates

Dr David Ewing
Senior Research Scientist in One Health


Biomathematics and Statistics Scotland
JCMB, The King's Buildings,
Peter Guthrie Tait Road,
EDINBURGH, EH9 3FD, Scotland, UK.

Google Scholar Profile


My role is split between the management and provision of statistical consultancy and support to researchers at the Moredun Research Institute and the development of mathematical and statistical modelling approaches with applications principally in animal health and welfare but also more widely in ecology and epidemiology.  I am experienced in the design and analysis of studies relating to animal health and welfare, and experiments, surveys and observational studies involving livestock on research farms and real farms, using both statistical and mathematical modelling techniques. Much of my consultancy work involves applying linear mixed models or generalised linear mixed models to complex experimental or observational data including animal health measurements and animal behaviour but I also use other statistical methods as appropriate to the objectives of projects.  I have a particular interest in the development of stage-structured life cycle models of disease vectors, parasites and plant pests.

Details of my main areas of current and recent research projects are given below and case studies of the work I have been involved with are at the bottom of this page.

Stage-structured modelling of disease vectors and crop pests

I have been involved in projects modelling mosquito seasonal abundance and related disease risk (West Nile virus, dengue) using ordinary and delay-differential equations and projects modelling the impacts of crop pests (potato cyst nematodes, cabbage stem flea beetle) using similar approaches. I am currently involved in a project incoporating these approaches into a whole-farm model to study the potential efficacy of novel farm management strategies on the control of gastro-intestinal nematodes in sheep.

Risk maps showing West Nile virus risk increasing through time in the United Kingdom.

Vector-borne disease

Press releases and media articles

Crop pests

Press releases and media articles

Exact Bayesian inference of epidemiological parameters

I am interested in the development of data augmented MCMC approaches to infer epidemiological parameters with partial observations.  I have recently applied these approaches to on-farm mortality data early in outbreaks of African swine fever and I am currently exploring applications in avian influenza and ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma.


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