BioSS August 2024 Meeting

Last August we all met in Aberdeen at the Rowett Institute for a general meeting to discuss our progress and welcome internal and external speakers.
Prof. Georgios Leontidis (University of Aberdeen) gave an invited talk on “Foundations of Deep Learning and Applications in Agri-Food.” Leontidis cochairs the SEFARI Gateway Artificial Intelligence (AI) Specialist Advisory Group with our Director Prof. Mark Brewer, and is the University of Aberdeen’s Interdisciplinary Director for Data and AI.
Our colleague Phil Bouchet presented complex work “Assessing population effects of offshore wind development on critically endangered North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis).”
Other talks included “Optimising avian faecal samples for gut microbiome research via Nanopore sequencing” by PhD student Karen Keegan, “Developing risk-based approaches to modelling phosphorus contamination in agricultural catchments” by former PhD student Camilla Negri, and colleague Zhou Fang discussing BioSS policy impactful analysis on Wastewater monitoring for Covid-19 detection.
We also had some time to cover open science topics and learn from colleague Dave Miller who has developed and helped develop several R packages, as well as fun projects like this Beyonce colour palette.
We are already looking forward to our next meeting in November!
First image features talk by Georgios Leontidis. Second image shows presentations by Karen Keegan (left), Phil Bouchet (top right) and Dave Miller (bottom right).