
Publications (80)

River macrophyte indices: not the Holy Grail!

Demars, B.O.L., Potts, J.M., Trémolières, M., Thiébaut, G., Gougelin, N. and Nordmann, V.(2012). River macrophyte indices: not the Holy Grail!Freshwater Biology 57(8), 1745-1759.

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How should regional biodiversity be monitored

Buckland, S.T., Baillie, S.R., Dick, J.McP., Elston, D.A., Magurran, A.E., Scott, E.M., Smith, R.I., Somerfield, P.J., Studney, A.C. and Watt, A.D.(2012). How should regional biodiversity be monitoredEnvironmental and Ecological Statistics 19, 601-626.

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