
Publications (59)

Genomic selection in multi-environment crop trials

Oakey, H., Cullis, B., Thompson, R., Comadran, J., Halpin, C. and Waugh, R.(2016). Genomic selection in multi-environment crop trialsG3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 6(6), 1313-1326. Genetics Society of America.

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The ecology of wildlife disease surveillance: demographic and prevalence fluctuations undermine surveillance

Walton, L., Marion, G., Davidson, R.S., White, P.C.L., Smith, L.A., Gavier-Widen, D., Yon, L., Hannant, D. and Hutchings, M.R.(2016). The ecology of wildlife disease surveillance: demographic and prevalence fluctuations undermine surveillanceJournal of Applied Ecology 53, 1460-1469. Wiley.

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Estimation of under-reporting in epidemics using approximations

Gamado, K.M., Streftaris, G. and Zachary, S.(2016). Estimation of under-reporting in epidemics using approximationsJournal of Mathematical Biology. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

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Using combined diagnostic test results to hindcast trends of infection from cross-sectional data

Rydevik, G., Innocent, G.T., Marion, G., Davidson, R.S., White, P.C.L., Billinis, C., Barrow, P., Mertens, P.P.C., Gavier-Widen, D. and Hutchings, M.R.(2016). Using combined diagnostic test results to hindcast trends of infection from cross-sectional dataPLoS Computational Biology 12(7). Public Library of Science, San Francisco, USA.

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Example of Bayesian uncertainty for Digital Soil Mapping

Poggio, L., Gimona, A., Spezia, L. and Brewer, M.J.(2016). Example of Bayesian uncertainty for Digital Soil Mapping In "Digital Soil Mapping Across Paradigms, Scales and Boundaries". Eds. Zhang, G.-L., Brus, D., Liu, F., Song, X.-D., Lagacherie, P.. Springer, Singapore.

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Two Categorical Endpoints

Ensor, H and Weir, C.(2016). Two Categorical Endpoints In "Applied surrogate endpoint evaluation methods with SAS and R", 145-156. Eds. Alonso, A., Bigirumurame, T., Burzykowski, T., Buyse, M., Molenberghs, G., Muchene, L., Perualila, N.J., Shkedy, Z. & Van der Elst, W.. Taylor and Francis/CRC Press.

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MELA: Modelling in Ecology with Location Attributes

Vissat, L.L., Hillston, J., Marion, G. and Smith, M.J.(2016). MELA: Modelling in Ecology with Location Attributes In "International Workshop on Quantitative Aspects of Programming Languages and Systems (QAPL'16)", 82-97. Eds. Mirco Tribastone and Herbert Wiklicky. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 227.

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