A parsimonious software sensor for estimating the individual dynamic pattern of methane emission from cattle

Cambridge University Press
Large efforts have been deployed for developing methods to estimate methane emissions from cattle. For large scale applications, accurate and inexpensive methane predictors are required. Within a livestock precision farming optic, the objective of this work was to integrate real-time data of animal feeding behaviour with an in silico model for predicting the individual dynamic pattern of methane emission in cattle. The integration of real-time data with a mathematical model to predict variables that are not directly measured constitutes a software sensor. We developed a parsimonious grey-box model that uses as predictor variables either dry matter intake (DMI) or the intake time (IT). Model building was supported by experimental data of methane emissions from respiration chambers. The data set comes from a study with finishing beef steers (cross-bred Charolais and purebred Luing finishing). DMI and IT were recorded with load cells. A total of 37 dynamic patterns of methane production were analysed. Model performance was assessed by concordance analysis between the predicted methane output and the methane measured in respiration chambers. The model predictors DMI and IT performed similarly with a Lin's concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) of 0.78 in average. When predicting the diurnal methane production, the CCC was 0.99 for both DMI and IT predictors. Consequently, on the basis of concordance analysis, our model performs very well compared with reported literature results for methane proxies and predictive models. This study suggests that a software sensor that integrates our in silico model with a real-time sensor providing accurate IT measurements is a viable solution for predicting methane output in a large scale context.
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WP 2.2 Livestock production, health, welfare and disease control (RESAS 2016-21)