Characterisation and discrimination of urban soils: preliminary results from the Soil Forensics University Network

Publication Name
Criminal and Environmental Soil Forensics
Springer Verlag
Collaboration between universities with forensic science teaching can provide opportunities to develop shared databases for potential use by forensic practitioners, such as the fibre database project hosted by Staffordshire University. The aim of this network project is to broaden the knowledge of soil characterisation and discrimination within the urban environment. In the context of soil evidence, a coordinated network of projects has been established as collaborative ventures across a range of universities and research organisations. A coordinated approach with a high degree of similarity in protocols and quality control between the participating organisations was established. Between city and within city discrimination of common urban land-use vegetation (LUV) classes is being tested. Preliminary results for the parameter of soil colour over one year for sites in Scotland and north-west England are presented.
Book Chapter
Output Tags
SG 2006-2011 WP 3.2 Methods to Assess Soil Quality